Ever since the establishment of our company in 1970, we have been rated highly by the market as a manufacturer specializing in centralized AHU for large-scale buildings and factories.
Our AHU have been adopted in a large number of locations around Japan, including in high-rise buildings, large-scale shopping malls, data centers and semiconductor factories.
The Kubota brand statement is “For Earth, For Life” and we have declared our mission to be to continue making a contribution to society in each sector of food, water and the environment. As a member of the group, we consider the mission of our company to be to use our products and services to provide a comfortable air environment in response to the increasingly serious environmental problems of global warming and climate change.
We will continue to take on the challenges of technological innovation each day in order to produce highly inventive air conditioning products and we will strive to contribute to society by providing high quality air and comfortable air environments.
President and Representative DirectorHirotaka Sazuka
For inquiries about our products, please use either the telephone contact number or the inquiries form.